The Springboard Curriculum

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Food Play

“Play with your Food!”.

Many children with severe, complex and profound special educational needs may experience feeding challenges. For some, this might be because of Dysphagia (physical difficulties that make it unsafe to swallow), because of physical, physiological or psychological difficulties or because of sensory integration challenges which make it an unpleasant and difficult experience.

Whenever offering food related play, please ensure that you discuss it with the child’s dysphagia trained Speech and Language Therapist to make sure that it is safe for a child to do so and take into account any dietary requirements.

Play with your food.

Playing with food is rarely encouraged. Yet for pupils with feeding difficulties, it is one of the most powerful tools to developing feeding skills and improving their experience of food. Play could be related to cooking and baking (as discussed in our food fun blog post), it might be edible OR it might be using unprepared foods.

We are sharing with you some examples of how pupils can be inspired to play with their food in these fun and motivating activities that can be set up as part of carousel play.

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Evidence for Learning.

What can pupils learn from playing with their food?

  • Responds to different tastes, smells and temperatures during supported exploration.

  • Explores the sensory experiences of food.

  • Develops oral-motor awareness.

  • Brings food to mouth.

  • Safely eats food with a range of consistency and texture. 

  • Requests for more of preferred foods.

  • Handles mealtime utensils with increasing control and coordination.

Examples taken from The Springboard Curriculum: Assessment Framework. Core Curriculum Area: PSED, Learning Aspect: Feeding, Inner to Outer Learning Circles.

If you are enjoying our content, The Springboard Curriculum is available to buy here as an immediate digital download. You can follow the link to view sample pages before you buy. The reason we decided to share our work? To allow educators to use their time creatively to maximise play and tailor the learning activities to the strengths and challenges of each pupil.

£1 of every sale goes to the school’s charity to give back to the educators and pupils who inspired the curriculum.