View a sample of The Springboard Curriculum. Inclusive Special Education in the Early Years and Key Stage 1 here.
Physical and Sensory Development
Children with severe, complex and profound special educational needs have a range of physical and sensory abilities and difficulties related to neurological impairments or neurodevelopmental differences. For young children with severe and complex special educational needs, physical and sensory development is important. As well as developing their gross and fine motor and mobility skills, movement activities are also particularly important for children’s emotional regulation.

Play & Playfulness.
What is it and why is play and playfulness important? Play supports the development of lifelong skills. An individual’s playfulness impacts upon their ability to form relationships, develop self competence, self-esteem, resilience and coping throughout life.

Switch-Accessible Play: Developing Skills
By ensuring that educators understand the development of play with switch-accessible toys and appliances, from the earliest level of noticing and responding to sensory stimuli to children using two switches to turn appliances on and off with understanding, these activities can be adjusted within the classroom to provide opportunities for learning at a range of levels.

Switch-Accessible Play Activities
How to incorporate switch-accessible play activities within weekly carousel play sessions for children with severe and profound learning needs.